Circle of Hell-Lust 001
Circle Number 2
Boss Cleopatra and Marc Antony
Creatures Temptress
Locations Tower of Lust
Host Francesca Da Polenta
Prev. Circle Limbo
Next Circle Gluttony
“To this torment are condemned the carnal damned. Those for whom desire conquered reason.” — Virgil

Lust was the second Circle of Hell.


Below Limbo was the second circle of Hell, Lust. Dante journeyed to the Carnal Tower in the center of this circle's massive hurricane of souls who are ruled by sexual desire. Here, Dante discovered that Lucifer intended for Beatrice to be his bride. To press his case, Lucifer showed Dante's betrayal to her by having sex with the Slave Girl. Upon their departure, Dante proceeded to defeat Queen Cleopatra and Marc Antony who ruled the circle as Lucifer's regents.


The Circle of Lust was comprised of a vast and rocky chasm, with the structural ends of a broken bridge residing on each side. The bridge itself was lined in gold statues of the lustful, separated at the left and right of the bridge with purple lightning arching between them.

The center piece and main section of the circle was The Carnal Tower, a massive, phallic-shaped structure which rose out of the chasm between the bridges. As well as a throne to the circle's guardian, Queen Cleopatra, the tower also acted as a focal point for the violent purple lightning storms that swirled around it, ensnaring the souls of the lustful for eternity.

The Tower itself had many floors, and its architecture and decor continued with the theme of sex and human genitalia. For example, the pillars and columns resembled penises, the doors and arches are reminiscent of the vagina and the rooms resemble the womb. Statues of the lustful in intimate poses are also present. A wind-powered elevator system is the only method of reaching the upper floors and pinnacle of the Tower.

Areas of the Circle[]

  • The Tempest of Lustful Shades: A giant vortex storm summoned by Cleopatra, which surrounded The Tower of Lust and punished the lustful shades. Dante used a bolt of energy to open a breach in the winds and enter the tower.
  • The Carnal Tower: A giant, phallic-shaped tower in the center of the circle which Cleopatra climbed, taunting Dante and trying to hinder his journey. Its architecture, walls, pillars and floors resembled human genitalia.

Dante's Journal[]



  • The sin of Lust (in Latin luxuria) was listed among the Seven Deadly Sins, which were used by Dante Alighieri to craft his versions of Hell and Purgatory in The Divine Comedy. Lust originally was not only an obsessive desire for sex, but also for expensive items and excessive comforts (over-pampering of the body), as well as sexual misconduct. It could also be defined as disproportionate, overzealous longing for something or someone. The corresponding Heavenly Virtue which was the opposite to Lust was Chastity (Castitas), which encompassed moderation of comforts, virginity, sexual temperance and sexual morality.
  • In the Divine Comedy, the Deadly Sin of Lust is considered the least offensive of the seven. As such, aside from the virtuous pagans of the previous circle (Limbo), the sinners in this circle received a relatively light punishment. As these sinners let lust drive them constantly through life, day or night, in Hell, their lust now manifests as the whirlwind that keeps forcing them to move eternally without allowing them to stop for rest. They are also differentiated from the sinners of the first Malebolge, the Seducers, as, despite the consequent destruction their desires caused, they did not deliberately use lustful behavior as a weapon to deceive others, which is why the Panderers and Seducers are treated far worse.
  • According to Dante, Lust was a form of Divine Love for others perverted into an obsession with the flesh, which is why it is only designated as the second circle rather than a lower one. The other sins that are derived from corrupted Divine Love (Gluttony, Greed) are also found in the higher circles of Hell (Circles 3 and 4 respectively).
Nine Circles of Hell
Limbo ·  Lust ·  Gluttony ·  Greed ·  Anger ·  Heresy ·  Violence ·  Fraud ·  Treachery