Bella Abati was Dante Alighieri's mother who committed suicide rather than continue living with his father. She was encountered in the circle of Violence within the Wood of the Suicides.
Unlike his father, Dante's mother was kind and pious. However, the constant abuse that was heaped upon her and Dante by Alighiero drove her to despair because she lacked the courage and strength to stand up to him. She eventually hanged herself.
As a suicide, she was condemned to the Wood of the Suicides where she became a tree-made figure that was hanging from a wooden noose. Her will was joined with the trees that are producing the Suicide Fruit and when Dante entered her part of the woods, he was attacked by her tree until he battered it back. Afterward, she revealed to Dante that she killed herself and admonished him to save Beatrice. Bella begged Dante to absolve her and when he did, she granted him the Suicide Fruit magic.
- In real life, Bella Abati was the wife of Alighiero di Bellincione and the mother of Dante Alighieri. She died in 1272 when Dante was about 5 or 6 years old and Alighiero married Lapa di Chiarissimo Cialuffi.
- In the movie, in her first appearance, she is portrayed with either black or brown hair, but during a memory flashback after Dante meets her in the Wood of Suicides, her hair becomes blonde.
- The abuse she faced from her husband was not seen in the game, though it is implied that his abuse toward her and their son led her to commit suicide. In the movie however, the abuse she and her son faced are visibly seen when Alighiero yells at her, slaps her face after accusing her of lying about his missing three coins, and beats her up when she did not know where they were.
- Unlike her game version, her tree form did not move independently, but she was still able to communicate with Dante after he breaks off one of her twigs. Also, in the game she mentions that her soul belongs to him during her absolving, but in the movie, she says that her soul belongs to God before disappearing.